Learn Jira Query Language with JQL Cheat sheet and JQL Function

You should just receive a response with a status of “201” with the full JSON representation of the added comment. This example request adds a comment to an existing issue. This example assigns an issue to a user with the username “charlie”. With Jira, the go-to project management tool trusted by countless organizations worldwide, you can streamline workflows and improve productivity.

what are JQL queries

If an input file is required, it is denoted by the
–data @filename syntax and the file data is shown separately. The searcher is the user for whom the function should be
validated, that is, the user for whom any security checks should be performed. The JqlFunction.validate method is called by Jira when the function needs to be validated. The job of this method is to check the arguments to the function to ensure that it is used correctly. JQL functions can only provide values to a query; most importantly, they cannot be used to process the results.

What is JQL?

Jira Query Language enables anyone to build queries that can be executed in Jira to produce a set of results. These queries are very similar to SQL, GraphQL, and other query languages that enable easy access to large databases or data sets. Let’s say I’m trying to search which urgent issues are due in two days within a certain project (writing this article, for instance) and assigned to a specific user (me).

what are JQL queries

This allows you to get the syntax right when you don’t know it by heart. If you need help referencing the syntax, you can always click on the question mark on the right of the search box. They’re essentially what you’re looking for in relation to your fields. With Advanced Searching, you’ll be forming your own JQL queries.


Intermediate Jira Software users who are new to JQL and want to deepen their knowledge of Jira’s features. When you have hundreds of Jira issues, finding the right one can be a challenge. I wonder whether it is possible to get sprint information with search? I would like to search a sprint by name, then check its active period dates. You will only see results for products you have access to. Let’s see how we might see what issues got fixed in the last release.

  • Knowing what fields, Values, operators, and keywords denote will result in an efficient query.
  • An empty MessageSet
    indicates that no errors have occurred.
  • For new users a fixed duration of two-weeks for each sprint is common.
  • For example, it is not possible to do something like myFunction(currentUser()).

This method takes a searcher and a
and returns an equivalent operand that hides any privileged information the passed searcher should not see. The returned function is what the passed searcher will see when trying to load the filter. Keep in mind, that your function will be executed each
time the query is run. If your function takes 10 seconds to run, then the entire JQL query will take at least
10 seconds. Functions also need to perform well under concurrent load.

Function sanitization is important to make function production ready. A saved JQL search (filter) can be shared
with multiple users. While this functionality is very useful, it also allows what are JQL queries and how to use them information to be leaked. For example, let’s say you have a filter that contains assignee in exampleFunc(Administrators, Proj) and you
share the filter with Janice who cannot see Proj.

what are JQL queries

Search for issues that are assigned to a particular fix version. You can search by request type name or request type description as configured in the Request Type configuration screen. Search for types of change gating that are used in change requests. “Tracked-only” requests are produced by integrations that stand separately from a change management process. These tools don’t respect approval or change gating strategies. Change requests that are “tracked-only” are just for record-keeping purposes.


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